Month: October 2021

Fright Night at the School Board Meeting

William F. Buckley Jr. once said of socialism something like “everyone knows that it doesn’t work, but when did it get so creepy?” (The emphasis, as I recall, was his.) This phenomenon, of regarding ideas as not just intellectually suspect but threatening or sinister, is all too common these days. Socialism, which originally was simply an economic theory, continues to occupy a high position on this … Read More Fright Night at the School Board Meeting

Is There a “Higher”Law?

The Ken Burns film on the life of the boxer Muhammed Ali, which ran on PBS a few weeks ago, returns time and again to Ali’s battle with the federal government to stay out of the Vietnam War. Drafted into the United States Army, Ali refused induction, claiming that as a Muslim he was opposed to all wars save those declared by Allah or … Read More Is There a “Higher”Law?