Month: June 2020

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, the protests arising out of the George Floyd murder, the Presidential election, and the President’s attempt to stop the publication of John Bolton’s book (even though prior restraint has been disfavored since before the Declaration of Independence),[1] we have this week a breath of fresh air from, of all places, the United States Supreme Court. We have Justice Roberts’ opinion … Read More A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Mr. Smith Leaves Washington

I spent some of my lockdown time reading one of the great, and one of the underappreciated, books of Western social philosophy, Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments (TMS). The choice is, I suppose, no accident. I also read Scott’s Waverly, and found myself putting shortbread biscuits in my weekly grocery cart. I suspect an underlying grieving over the prospects of my getting back … Read More Mr. Smith Leaves Washington