Month: December 2019

Ye Shall Know the Truth…

Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle The “news” this week is, of course, dominated by the impeachment of the President, and his response to the Speaker of the House, the latter reminiscent of something that might have been in Beetlejuice Goes to Washington, if Pee Wee Herman played the title role. But the impeachment itself was certainly not “breaking news”, whatever the networks claim, … Read More Ye Shall Know the Truth…

Do What Comes Naturally

Feast of St. Nicholas of Myra Amid the clamor of the impeachment hearings and the British general election (essentially a second referendum on Brexit) is there any hope to be found, anywhere, in this Advent season? Well, here’s one. Last month, believe it or not, both Houses of Congress unanimously passed a substantive bill, and the President signed it. What could possibly have caused … Read More Do What Comes Naturally