Month: September 2019

Hermeneutics Part 2

How do we know what we know? Last week I was in the waiting room of my cardiologist’s office, for my annual checkup. Sitting across from me was an elderly (i.e. my age) gentleman, in shorts and trainers, listening to some sort of radio or tv show on his phone, without earbuds. Immediately, I sorted him out: he’s here for a stress test, because … Read More Hermeneutics Part 2

Funny, You Don’t Look Scottish

Anne and I returned last week from a week in Scotland. We spent 3 days in Glasgow and then 5 in St Andrews (the “magic village,” one of my colleagues calls it). Every time we go, I wonder whether this is the last time, and hope it isn’t. I took Graham Greene’s Travels with My Aunt with me, finishing it in Glasgow. Travels with My … Read More Funny, You Don’t Look Scottish