Month: June 2019

Suffer the Little Children

In September 2015 Anne and I were in St. Andrews for my biannual residential study week, when the story of 3-year-old Alan Kurdi, drowned while fleeing Isis-ravaged Syria with his family for the safety of Greece, appeared on the front page of papers across Europe and the UK. Most horrifying was the picture of Alan’s body washed ashore on the beach near Bodrum, Turkey. … Read More Suffer the Little Children

Happy Father’s Day

Today, by coincidence, is both Trinity Sunday and Father’s Day. That is a happy coincidence for preachers, who can preach about how God the Father models excellence in parenthood, rather than preaching about the doctrine of the Trinity, which (we’re told every year) is every pastor’s least favorite topic. (My own parish, on the other hand, got a lovely sermon from the Rev. Mike … Read More Happy Father’s Day