Month: February 2019

Kill All the Lawyers?

When I was an undergraduate, in the early 1970s, one of the most popular dorm room posters, along with Jimi Hendrix and Farrah Fawcett, was a quote from  Shakespeare’s Henry VI Part 2: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” The line showed up on t-shirts and bumper stickers also. I’m not sure why these posters were so popular — I … Read More Kill All the Lawyers?

Let Us Now Praise Minor Players

Candlemas At the center of Covent Garden in London lies St. Paul’s Church. Known as the “Actor’s Church,” it lies close to Drury Lane, the Royal Opera House, and the West End Theater District. The church’s portico features in both Shaw’s Pygmalion and My Fair Lady, (although in the movie it’s actually a Hollywood set, not the building itself.) Inside the church one finds … Read More Let Us Now Praise Minor Players